This song was a new creation for music. But the
bit at the start was anoying, FUZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ and A FUZZZZZZ,
with you could fix thant and it is a trace of bad effort. BUT GREAT!
This song was a new creation for music. But the
bit at the start was anoying, FUZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ and A FUZZZZZZ,
with you could fix thant and it is a trace of bad effort. BUT GREAT!
It actually was a conscience decision to start with something unlikeable.
I may alter it at a later date.
Nice touch!
It starts of slow giving it a nice and pure start and smooth vocals wit the song.
But in 1:45 the music and vocals don't go well.
A nice end to the finsh. Good job. I still giv it 10/10!
(Thanks for PM!)
thanks for the great tip man:D
Joined on 8/7/09